I want to eat healthy and I want to feel good at 52. What does that look like for me?
1. I want to feel energized everyday and fully capable to power through the activities I plan for myself.
2. I want to feel joyful when I wake up in the morning and excited for my day - no matter what life throws at me.
3. I want to feel resilient and strong in my mind and body and comfortable in my own skin. I don’t need to be perfect but I want to love myself when I look in the mirror.
I want to build the health that I am planning on enjoying until I am 90 years plus.
As a Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant, I believe that the food I eat has the power to make to manifest this fabulous health and that the habit of taking the very best care of me, using food and nutrition, is also the perfect way to help myself through my menopausal experience.
Wahoo! This is exciting and empowering stuff right here ladies!
I do not have time for extensive meal prep, expensive ‘superfood’ ingredients or bullshit unachievable health goals that put me in a competition with my sister to be skinnier or ‘younger’ looking. Those days are over.
This recipe right here is, for me, the epitome of how simple everyday ingredients can build our health.
Beets are supportive of our liver function and we need that support in peri-menopause when our liver is working hard to de-conjugate (break-down) excess hormone in our bodies and carry it out of the body.
Celery is anti-inflammatory and supports our digestive health and blood sugar balance.
Apples are rich in vitamin C and pectin, a fibre that binds with everyday toxins and supports their removal from the body (think of your hot flash, night sweat and excessive bleed promoting excess hormone again ladies)
Ginger is highly anti-inflammatory, may help to reduce muscle pain (including menstrual cramps) and can help with osteoarthritis. Ginger aids chronic indigestion and claims have been made that it can reduce blood sugar levels and cholesterol levels. Excitingly, studies in midlife women have shown that it can help to prevent Alzheimers disease. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3253463/
All of these everyday ingredients can be found easily in the store and only take 5 minutes to chop roughly and blend.
There is nothing magical, expensive or arduous here! Just a simple smoothie that delivers easily absorbed nutrition into your daily meal plan, adds valuable fibre to your diet and supports your precious microbiome in the process…and a healthy microbiome equates to better immunity; 80% of our immune response is housed in the gut ladies and an improvement in your everyday mood. 80% of the serotonin-our happy neurotransmitter- is made in the gut ladies.
Hold up; Are the health benefits compounding with the benefits they provide to our fibre starved microbiome? This is the power of vegetables people!
Let’s do this thing Ladies!
Let’s bring a smoothie into our daily routine and in this simple step take a stand for our own longterm health.
1 apple washed and quartered
1 large beet washed and roughly chopped
2 sticks celery washed and roughly chopped
Juice of 1 lemon
1 thumb sized chunk of fresh ginger chopped
1 12oz glass filtered water
Place all of the roughly chopped ingredients into a blender and add the water
Blend until smooth
You should make enough for two glasses of smoothie. Place 1/2 in a glass in your refrigerator and drink tomorrow. Look at that! You are ahead for tomorrow!
P.S. If you enjoyed this nutrition packed smoothie, click here to try my recipe for a Daily Mineral Dense Green Smoothie