What Clients Are Saying

Louise teaches what she knows and specializes in working with women who are where she once was. Here’s what they have to say



FROM Michele

What did you enjoy most about working with me?

Well firstly I like YOU and I like that you're a mom/wife/woman in the trenches trying to pull off the best nutrition and self care with all the distractions and demands of family life. I liked the meetings, the care and time you take, the write ups with big picture plan and the recipes are so helpful and delicious.

I do like that your voice is in my head now as I work through my various roles reminding me to put my self first occasionally and to rest and nourish my system. Before your advice I think I was always trying to deprive and operate on fewer calories while at the same time demanding an insane level of energy from my body….eventually everything just gave out.

What changes have you noticed in your health?

My energy has increased dramatically!! Now and on most days I can power through a very hectic schedule and enjoy and evening. Where as before I was waking up tired, tired all day, an falling asleep as soon as dinner was over and I could make it to the couch, not a great way to live.

My skin is clearer, my digestive system seems much more friendly and I am much calmer, no more anxiety and far fewer ups and downs. Lastly my sleep has improved ten fold I had many sleepless nights before and ridiculously early risings completely inexplicable and now I sleep like before

Did you have any hesitations about starting this work?

I don't know that I had any hesitations honestly things couldn't get worse, clearly what I was doing wasn't working and the cost of the antibiotics that I found myself repeating regularly made your fees looking very attractive, not to mention the damage they do to your system.

Would you recommend my services to others?

Absolutely without hesitation I would recommend anyone - women or men to work with Louise. With some guidance, energy and a few trips to the health food store, I feel that my energy has increased 10 fold; things are now manageable and  in fact even enjoyable, a revelation.

Is there anything else that you would like to add?

I don't think that you charge enough but I 'm not sure what the market is like in Calgary and with the world ending it's probably not time to rock the boat….but possibly I don't think you charge enough.

I am excited about your cooking class and I hope that you do some workshops regarding eating for energy, better nutrition for kids that sort of thing.



What did you enjoy most about working with me?

Louise analyzed my symptoms and food restrictions and designed diet and supplement recommendations that were responsive to my very specific needs.  This isn’t something I could have done on my own, without her expertise.  I very much appreciate the benefit of attending to the particulars of nutrition, and its effect on every aspect of my daily routine.

What changes have you noticed in your health?

Within a week, the benefit of supplements and a daily routine for the benefit of digestion were obvious.  As a jogger and someone who expends a lot of energy at work, I noticed a consistency in my energy level, and more importantly, the varieties of my digestive discomforts are gone.  While I can’t solve the many restrictions in my diet, Louise has created a diet plan that works, and one that creates a much happier relation to food.

 Did you have any hesitations about starting this work?

A nutritional consult seemed unnecessary, and a luxury that might at best highlight the limitations of my celiac diet.  Since I have had a rather disappointing relationship to food, my preference for simplicity had trumped my interest in variety, and I didn’t think I’d learn very much about the possibilities for feeling better.  I’m happy to realize that nutrition is most of the battle.

Would you recommend my services to others?
I would highly recommend Louise for her expertise, highly customized approach, and her capacity to listen and to create a diet plan that solves problems.